A while back I was asked to sign a small scrap of material to be used in helping to raise funds for a worthy cause. A very dedicated woman named Jo Carver and many volunteers are trying to raise funds to build a library in the town of Coalville, Utah. The simple scrap of cloth was joined with several others to create a “Library Quilt”. Over fifty authors sent in signatures (I’m probably the LEAST known of them) and the result is a pretty amazing work of art.
I invite you to check it out at: http://www.joslibraryquilt.com/
For a donation (that’s the fund-raising part) you can enter a sweepstakes with the chance of winning the quilt. Check it out!
P.S. I am in no way affiliated with this sweepstakes. I’m just passing on the news. So if you have any questions about it, direct it to the Coalville library, okay?