The Pendragon Adventure – Finally complete!

When the hardback of The Soldiers of Halla was first published in 2009, it was with the classic cover design. At the same time, the U.S. publisher created a new cover design for all of the paperbacks. That meant, in 2010 when the paperback for TSoH was published, it was with the new design only. Since then I’ve gotten lots of angry mail from readers saying that they had the first nine paperbacks of the Pendragon story in the classic design, but could not complete the collection. After hearing that, a lot, I asked the publisher if they would do a limited run of the paperback with the classic design…and they agreed! So here we are, only 4 years late, the Pendragon collection is now officially complete. Today, October 7th, the paperback of The Soldiers of Halla is being published..the way it was meant to be.

Hobey ho!

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10 Comments on “The Pendragon Adventure – Finally complete!”

  1. Emily Anderson says:

    Mr. MacHale,
    My son is now reading the Pendragon series. I collectes them as they were published and I’ve been waiting until he was old enough to read them. He is really enjoying them. It has done wonders as far as getting him interested in reading, so I thank you.

    He chose you as his favorite author when his 4th grade class picked an author to write to but we have been unable to find any address to send it. While I understand not wanting to be swamped in letters can you give the address of the publisher so we have someone to mail his envelope?

    Thank you, Emily

  2. D.J. MacHale says:

    Glad to hear that, Emily. Here’s an address where you son can send a letter.

    D.J. MacHale
    1600 Rosecrans Avenue
    Media Center – 4th Floor
    Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

    Or he can write to me through my website: djmachalebooks.com The e-mail address is: djmac@djmachalebooks.com

  3. Chad Douty says:

    I read the Pendragon books throughout middle and high school. It has been one of my favorite book series. I think I read the final book in two days! This was years ago, i’m in college now, but this series has stuck with me.
    One thought I always had was will Pendragon ever become a movie/TV series. I remember when I finished the series I asked this but couldn’t find any credible sources. So my question is what are your thoughts on that? I understand the risk, goodness I read Eragon and saw the movie. RIP. I feel that if Pendragon followed a Harry Potter/Hunger games route (following the core book events) or even a game of thrones type of TV series it would be awesome!

    Huge fan,
    Chad Douty

  4. ACW says:

    I already got everything down for if the Pendragon Books turn into movies:
    The Merchant of Death
    The Lost City of Faar
    The Never War
    The Reality Bug
    Black Water
    The Rivers of Zadaa
    The Quillian Games
    The Pilgrims of Rayne
    Raven Rise Pt. 1
    Raven Rise Pt. 2
    The Soldiers of Halla Pt. 1
    The Soldiers of Halla Pt. 2

    It would be a huge budget, but I’m pretty sure it would get a lot of good reviews.

  5. Alejandro Cruz Santana says:

    hello! I’m fan of this saga. I’m from Canary Islands, Spain, and here we have ONLY the TWO frist books translated to spanish.
    We are very impatient to have the rest of the books translated.

  6. Alejandro Cruz Santana says:

    Hello! I’m a fan from Canary Islands, Spain, and I’m very disappointed because of the translation of PENDRAGON into spanish. WE ONLY HAVE THE FIRST TWO BOOKS TRANSLATED ITO SPANISH. Pleas, do somthing to translate the rest of the books into spanish. Thank you.

  7. Sabrina Todd says:

    I can’t figure out how to put the codes in for the clues

  8. Lawrence says:

    Very good book series!

  9. robert says:

    hello. I am very sad that the series is done hehe. will there ever be a “continuation” of the story? it ended well but I would love to see more of what happens later down the line of their lives. please tell me asap because its killing me to know

    a faithful reader,
    Robert Clauson

  10. Ann O. Nymous says:

    Hi Mr. Machale!
    I REAAAALLLLLLYYYY enjoy your fantastic books.
    I had an idea for other books, maybe write some books of Bobby’s kids! It would be really interesting to read that.
    Well thats just me saying words! ( I also like spinoffs!)

    A Reader

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