We’re putting together the tour for STORM that will be in March. As I did with SYLO, I’m putting it out there to you guys to give me suggestions on the places you would like me to visit. That helped a lot in planning the last tour so I’m hoping you guys will come through again. Note: I probably won’t be going back to the stores/cities that I visited on the last tour…it’s too soon! We’ll have to wait for SYLO III for that.
So, send me your ideas. If I get a number of responses about any one place, it might just get on the schedule!
John says:
Hopefully somewhere in VA! I just got my sister into Pendragon, and she’ll certainly have it finished by March. On top of that, she’s about to have a book published, so I know she’ll really want to talk to you.
I would come along, of course.
Geoff says:
Barnes & Nobles in Warwick, RI (central RI with a good amount of space). Or just anywhere in RI, MA, or CT is good for me! Have to get STORM and Monster Princess signed! And hopefully I’ll have some AYATD DVDs to get signed!
Robert Pendragon says:
Books a Million anywhere in Middle Tennessee.
Josephine says:
Anywhere in Utah?
D.J. MacHale says:
I think I might be going to Boston, Geoff. Stay tuned.
Geoff says:
Of course. Boston’s about an hour or so away, no issues.
Tiffany R says:
Come to Oklahoma! That would be awesome 🙂
Kari W says:
RJ Julia in Madison, CT or Bank Square Books in Mystic, CT
Henry W says:
Would like to see some love north of the border too! Despite the bad attention in the media regarding our mayor, Toronto is a great city! I really enjoyed SYLO and can’t wait for STORM.
Christina says:
Hi Dj Machale! You’re coming to my school tomorrow and I can’t wait! 🙂 You’re an AMAZING and OUTSTANDING writer!!! 🙂 See you there!
Ben says:
OMG! I can’t wait until STORM comes out! I LOVED SYLO it was so good! You should come somewhere in Maine! 🙂
P.S. I’m sure you get this a lot, but you’re an amazing author!
P.P.S. How long does it usually take you to write a book?
Courtney Chetwynde says:
R says:
You should come to Philadelphia!
Gina says:
I really enjoyed reading SYLO!
Stop by Wisconsin for the Storm tour!
Lilly says:
Humble or Houston Texas, PLEASE I really want to see you and get a book 🙂 I remeber you coming to my school when i was in 5th grade my school was named Fritz Barnett Intermediate, I loved it thats when you announced you were publishing Morpheus Road.PLEASE come….:)
Kevin says:
Please come to Dallas Texas
Johnny says:
Please think about going to Nashville or Cincinnati if you can. Can’t wait to hear more about the tour!
Kate says:
Please come to Toronto! My brothers and I are huge fans of all your books! My friends also recently started reading the Pendragon series after hearing my constant praises. 🙂
Theresa says:
Hopefully you will stop in Ohio again, I loved the Sylo tour! If you want an adorable, locally owned bookstore to visit, try checking out Books ‘N’ More. I can’t wait for the book release!
jeff says:
Reading or harrisburg,pa please!
Alex says: