Wow! Check this out…

Follow the link below to a news story in the Seattle Times.

As someone who writes for kids, I often get push-back from various studios/networks/publishers etc. who are worried about my putting things in shows/books that kids might imitate at home and get in trouble. Or hurt themselves. (For 91 episodes of “Are You Afraid of the Dark?” we never saw anybody strike a match to light that campfire) So…it’s nice to see that it can work the other way too. Nice work, William. Glad you’re okay.


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13 Comments on “Wow! Check this out…”

  1. Shannon says:

    Oh my gosh! That is amazing! Totally cool. Thanks for posting this =3

  2. Bernadette says:

    Awesome!! Truly, it’s a miracle. What a capable young man. And how wonderful that he would remember those words of advice in a moment in need.

  3. christina says:

    wow now i must read the books. what an amazing thing!

  4. josh says:

    wow! Thats amazing. Which book was that in? I dont remember that.

  5. Cooperisbadass says:

    Pendragon saves lives!

    @josh It was book 1, I’m pretty sure.

  6. D.J. MacHale says:

    I had forgotten which book it was too. (And so had William. I spoke with him. He thought it was The Rivers of Zadaa) But it was The Merchant of Death…when Bobby knocked Loor into the river thinking they were being attacked by a Bedoowan knight who turned out to be…Alder.

  7. josh says:

    Oh yeah now I remember. I thought it might have been lost city of faar, because it was the only one I remembered having much swimming. But I don’t think there were rocks in the water on cloral actually, so I guess it couldn’t be.

  8. Sarah says:

    Saw this on my homepage today and clicked on it because I was curious. When I saw that the fictional book was Pendragon I was surprised! That’s awesome, and I’m glad William is okay too.

  9. Rayne's Pilgrim says:

    That’s incredible. Good thing your books are so accurate and realistic.

  10. Julia says:

    That’s crazy, D.J.! It would be really cool if you could meet with this kid.

  11. Vlad the blogger says:

    Why dont people blogg any more. I want to talk to people about the best book ever. PENDRAGON

  12. Pendragonie says:

    I like Pendragon. have you ever read book 3. I love it so much

  13. Sarah says:

    Im glad that our favorite books can teach us things that we may not even realize until the moment that we need it most. Glad you are all right William!

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