Favorite Pendragon Book

While visiting so many schools and bookstores, many of the same questions pop up.  One of them is about what my favorite Pendragon book is.  Since it’s been asked so many times, I thought I’d answer that here.

Looking at it one way, I don’t have a favorite because they all seem like different chapters in one big story.  But I can come up with a few that stand out for different reasons.  The book that was the most fun to write was “The Never War” because I loved going back into real history and doing the research about a time and place that fascinate me.   The book that was the most difficult to write was  “The Quillan Games”.  Coming up with all of those wild games, creating the rules, and then having Bobby play them was grueling.  I certainly don’t have a LEAST favorite book, though I can say that my least favorite cover was the one I call:  “Bobby the Blue-Eyed Reindeer”.   Yeesh.

But favorite book?  Now that they’re all complete and I can look back on the whole story, I guess maybe there is one that stands out.  I think I like it because it had a little bit of all the books in it and it tied up the whole story in a way that I had always planned on, but was never sure that it would actually work.  The fact that it did work is very satisfying.  There were a few scenes in that book (I won’t mention them here because I don’t want to write spoilers) that actually get me choked up.  More than a few scenes.  It was an incredibly rewarding experience to tie together all the loose ends, answer all the questions, and complete an epic story.  So under pressure, I would have to say that my favorite Pendragon book is The Soldiers of Halla.

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601 Comments on “Favorite Pendragon Book”

  1. i will be a Traveler says:

    hi bye.

  2. Cloral Lover says:

    Wait… WHAT!!??

  3. Caylia says:

    That was my initial reaction.

  4. Caylia says:

    Hey, this is sort of a random question here, but it’s regarding the new Pendragon covers. I have all the new covers, excerpt for Raven Rise. I’ve gone out to book stores but when book 9 was looked up, they couldn’t find the new cover. Has anyone seen Raven Rise in stores at all? Hopefully, it’ll be out soon because I want to have all ten of the new covers. And what’s strange is that I have Soldiers of Halla! I have book 10 and I can’t even find book 9. The people at the store, I asked them to look it up, and the new covers didn’t come up whatsoever.

    I hope book 9 is out there. It’s the only one I need!

  5. i will be a Traveler says:

    i have books 1-8 in the old covers (which i like better) but not 9 and 10.

  6. i will be a Traveler says:

    and i’ve seen book 9 in new covers. (which i don’t like that much)

  7. Caylia says:

    I have both sets of covers. I love both. The old covers are great because they show Bobby’s aging, and I like the color schemes of the new ones, and how they have this sort of “symbolic” feel to them. Book 1, for example, has the Traveler ring. Book 7, has a chess piece, Book 8 has a quig bee…etc. I think both sets are awesome in their own ways. I love how each set of covers is so different!

  8. britt says:

    wow i just thought of somthing.thanks i never would have thought of that.

    u see i wrote a christmas list and pendragon is on it and i dont want my mom to by half in the old and half in the new
    hey are the old books in hardback or paperback

  9. Caylia says:

    The old books are all in paperback, I’m pretty sure.

  10. Matt says:

    One of the best series ever! I liked the last book the best

  11. britt says:

    awesome cuase my mom thinks paperback is better.soo yeah. 🙂

  12. Arik says:

    Finished reading the first nine, so far I’m liking the tenth book the best (:

  13. Batu leader says:

    Yeah, the tenth book is awesome. I loved the beginning, the first 70 pages. Man, what a wicked opening to the final Pendragon book 😀

  14. Arik says:

    Agreed! have you finished the book yet? I haven’t yet, but I’m about half way through ((Or over I don’t really know)). So far it is AMAZING! (:

  15. Emily says:

    I finished the last book while I was visiting my dad and stepmom. It was just me and my dad, he was in the livingroom and I was in the spare bedroom, reading. I was sobbing long before the end. I don’t know if it was because I realized the whole thing was over or if the end was just that amazing.

  16. Cloral Lover says:

    I’m back!! Before I wrote this, there were 365 comments on the website, one for every single day of the year!! Anyway, I actually prefer the seccond book to the 10th book, to be honest…

  17. britt says:

    koooolzz now its 367

  18. HELLO says:


  19. HELLO says:

    guardian’s of Ga’Hoole is an awesome series. i just started the ninth book.
    has anyone read Pillage?
    it’s cool too.
    i read the summary on Choke though, and i remembered that at the end of Pillage, Beck said that he wouldn’t hatch the next dragon. but in the summary of Choke it says they do. WHAT’S UP WITH THAT?!
    actually don’t tell me.

  20. HELLO says:

    ya know. we just got like a foot of snow. and we usually only get 3 inches. there’s no school today. yippee!

  21. britt says:


  22. HELLO says:

    there was school today though

  23. HELLO says:

    guess what.

    it really sucks to forget your math book. but it sucks even more if you only have 3 problems left and you have to go back, because your creepy teacher changed the website of the online textbook and you can’t get it.
    that’s what happen to me today. it sucks.

  24. britt says:

    wow i bet it does. 🙁

  25. HELLO says:

    yep. i wonder what’s on that site………..

  26. Lead Traveler says:

    what site?

  27. HELLO says:

    the MR website. just a bunch of hogwash. people posting real or fake ads.

  28. HELLO says:

    i’m gonna see how many times i can make it do a smily face. here we go.

  29. HELLO says:

    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 ok i give up.

  30. HELLO says:

    but it worked! YEAH!

  31. (b0a) c0nstrictor says:

    My favorite Pendragon Book was the Book 10, because it finally told us what happened to the territories (Halla). It was also exciting, I could barely tear my eyes away from it.

  32. B. Pendragon says:

    AMAZING SERIES!!!!! not done reading it all but so far i cant put it down!! i LOVE pendragon and all the twists and turns it has!!!

  33. i will be a Traveler says:

    I agree

  34. loor is awesome says:

    byyuxvcisf erwt nret nete tnf

  35. loor is awesome says:

    my crazy lil sister wrote that…….:(

  36. loor is awesome says:

    Not finished with the series,(On Raven Rise) I started reading pendragon in…………………..November? Anyways my fave is Rivers of Zadaa.

  37. Arik says:

    OKay, finally finished the series. I’d say that I really like #1, 2, 3, 7, 9, and 10. Those are probably my most favorite. The one that beats them all, possibly #3.

  38. McKenzie says:

    To me The Lost City of Faar will always be the best Pendragon Book. Cloral in my opinion is the BEST territory.

  39. Courtney&Bobby forever says:

    Reading “The Pilgrims of Rayne”. it’s totally awesome!! can’t wait to finish the series. so far my favorite book is “The Never War”. BTW some of your comments are hilarious.

  40. Courtney&Bobby forever says:

    i’m going crazy right now!! what is going to happen with Bobby now? why do i have to be a slow reader?

  41. Courtney&Bobby forever says:

    sorry, went a little crazy there.

  42. Brittany Bradford says:

    I love these books. I can’t put it down! I would love to see these as movies.Maybe you should make them movies 😀 Id watch them all the time 🙂

  43. Brittany Bradford says:

    I dont have a favorite …they are all eqaually amazing!!

  44. Kasha was the best says:

    pearsonally, i like the coral book. (but i liked kasha best!)

  45. HELLO says:

    i didn’t like the 2ond one. i mean….it was a good story and stuff…..but why did press have to die!?!?!?!?!?!?!? it’s just so sad…..*sniff*

  46. britt says:

    i love all the books and my two favorite terrytoriies would be coral and the jungle like one cant remember what it is called…

  47. Bobby Pendragon says:

    I think that the Pendragon books are amazing! That is definitely the best series I ever read! I think all of the books are amazing and I can’t decide which book is my favorite!!

  48. fan of pendragon says:

    RAVEN RISE !!!!!!!!!!

  49. Bobby Pendragon says:

    DJ, if you could have any one of your book made into a movie, what would it be? Would it be a Pendragon because I think those books are amazing I and I would watch it over and over again??!!

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