The guy on the Morpheus Road cover.

Hatty?  Nah.  But let’s have some fun.  What do you think this guy’s name really is?  He does have a name and it’s not something that I totally made up (like Saint Dane).  Think of it more as a title.  If somebody guesses it, I’ll let you know.  (If you’ve read the advance copy, don’t post the name, okay?  That’s cheating.)

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276 Comments on “The guy on the Morpheus Road cover.”

  1. Ashley says:

    What if Morpheus isn’t a name of a person, but just the name of the road, or where the road leads to? I mean, Morpheus has been seen in many other locations. In Greek mythology, Morpheus is the God of Dreams, so perhaps Morpheus Road means the path between the real world and the dream world? Morpheus also has the ability to take on the shape of any being, so that could be another part of it. Just spitballing here…

  2. ~Pickle~ (Shmii/Kayla) says:

    Wow, nice theorizing there, Ashley. ^^ However, I think DJ has already said Morpheus is the main character…. *can’t remember*

  3. Ashley says:

    I thought that the main character’s name was Marsh Seaver? *points towards excerpt* I dunno. I’ll go through the posts again later… way too lazy right now to do anything except type this post.

  4. Chad says:

    Yeah the MC is Marshall Siever

  5. Chad says:

    I mean Seaver

  6. Chad says:

    SORRY TRIPLE POST. But will he drive a hearse or a sweet low rider motorcycle like Ghost Rider?

  7. jeff says:

    the first few of morpheus road sound a lot like the beggining of the quillan games

  8. jeff says:


  9. Chad says:

    what is the beginning of Quillan Games?

  10. John says:

    The very beginning is the main protagonist describing himself, his life, and most importantly his likes and dislikes. A bit later, he is featured as meandering around a territory that is confusing and new to him.

    So I’m not sure what part Jeff is referring to.

  11. Spartan 118 says:

    Great Saint Bernard of Dain

  12. Swiffy says:

    Spartan 118:
    If you’re suggesting names, it’s already been revealed.


  13. solara traveler says:

    so is it grave digger

  14. Yunis says:

    lol. I dont think so!

  15. Michael Thomas says:

    I first thought the guy on the front wasn’t evil, just the Angel of Death or something (which, from both a mythological and biblical standpoint, was not evil but just worked for the different sides of the after life). Seeing as he’s really a ghost, and he’s evil, and his name is freakin’ Gravedigger, I’m seeing a new Saint Dane in the mix.

    Can’t wait to read this, definitely a day one buy (or whenever my book store gets it).

  16. Martenkid says:

    The Shadow of the Grave?
    I dunno, I can’t think of anything else.

  17. Edward Worton N.J. says:


  18. Ashley says:

    Edward Worton: Woah, calm down. Some people don’t see the extra pages of comments. It’s alright. Anyway, are we going to discuss beyond his name? I mean, we sorta started talking about what the title means… but we didn’t get too far.

    Michael Thomas: I thought the exact same thing when I saw the cover… but the name threw me off that scent… I’m not thinking it’s of biblical proportions, per se, mainly because DJ hasn’t encorperated religion before, and it might be lost on some of the younger readers if he started to use religious terms and phrases. Sure, he could use mythology, as long as he gets the origin of the myth somewhere within the context, but pure religious references would go over the heads of the majority of his readers. So… yeah. Otherwise, I would have agreed with you completely. And, I think somewhere in this thread, DJ posted how Gravedigger isn’t like Saint Dane, but is more evil in a way. I’m assuming he isn’t after power, but the thrill. Yet, no one can be sure until they read… (*really wants an advance copy*)

  19. kimmie says:

    I think his name should be Simon R. Leopard-skin

  20. Martenkid says:

    Wait a second… DJ said that the name wasn’t totally made up.

  21. Martenkid says:

    Wait a second… DJ gave us a clue. Look at the post…

  22. Martenkid says:

    Whoops! Scratch that last post!

  23. Edward Worton N.J. says:


    sorry for freaking out. and maybe Gravedigger is more evil because he just likes being evil and h knows that he’s doing the wrong thing but doesn’t care. St. Dane thought he was doing good.

  24. Bob(not my real name) says:

    Do you think marshall will die or something? I mean really, if some evil dude named gravedigger is trying to kill him and he doesn’t really have any friends, he’ll probably die

  25. Ashley says:


    Don’t worry about it. Anyway, I think you may be onto something there. Gravedigger might just be in this for the rush, the bloodlust, the desire to ruin something known to be “good”. I’m sure that I’d do the same if I were a villain.

    Bob (or not):

    Marshall die? I doubt it. He’s the main character, and it’s not often that an author kills off the main character, not during the story. He’ll make friends, they always do.

  26. A.P Michael says:

    Continuing on Ashley’s post…


    I agree with Ashley, most bad guys in books are complete nutcases, either they are just crazy and love to kill people (like Voldemort, in the Harry Potter books well sort of he did have a master plan but he just liked killing people) (And sorry to all you non-Harry Potter fans, that was just the first well known one that came to my head) or they really honestly think they are doing good (like Saint Dane) but i think he’s the 1st one.


    I really don’t think the main character will die, at least maybe not until the end, but it’s also in 1st person (right?) so he can’t really die unless it like switches around from person to person, but i’m sure his friends will die, at least a couple of them.

    Now my own little post…

    I can’t wait until this comes out, i’m completely in love with Pendragon, and based on what i’ve heard this is going to be just as good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can’t wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m a day 1 kind of girl, i always get them day 1 if i can!!!

  27. Swiffy says:

    Totally with you there, A.P. Michael!

  28. Bobby says:

    ugghh.. uve spoiled it! i wanted 2 read the book 2 find out the name of the “Hatty” dude…. o well… o and u rock D.J!!! W00T!

  29. michael thomas williams says:

    i second that D.J. rocks GO PENDRAGON AND MORPHEOUS ROAD

  30. 4realTraveler says:

    I third the notion!! LOVE YOU DJ!! and as michael thomas williams so eloquently put it:

  31. Edward Worton N.J. says:


    And i think that maybe Marshall will die. if a ghost is trying to kill him, he might have to die to be able to fight the ghost. if that is what Gravedigger wants, than maybe Marshall will die and turn the tables on him so Gravedigger doesn’t win. i think there will be some sort of boundry between life and death that Marshall can somehow cross through and back, like a ghost. and how much do you want to bet that Marshal falls for a ghost girl and has to bring her back?

  32. Colin says:

    Gravedigger huh. Sick name. Cant wait to read the book, just 10 days 9 min left. I agree with the kind of deal where he can cross the boundary of life and death. Kind of like flumes except flumes take you somewhere else in time and space, while morpheus road takes you from life to death and hopefully back again.

  33. Ashley says:

    I think I mentioned this before, but the word Morpheus is related to dreams. Maybe DJ is covering the perspective that the dream world is the realm between life and death and the Morpheus Road is how Marshall travels between the two planes: by falling asleep. I’m pretty sure that he’s going to end up hating traveling through it because it makes him remove himself from everyday life. Then, of course, he’ll probably find some sort of connection (going off of the “falling in love” with a ghost girl theory) that will leave him stuck to the other realm… or something like that.

  34. marshall says:

    pendragon is awsome!!! canèt wait for this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. Edward Worton N.J. says:

    @ ashley

    good idea. because you know how in a dream, everything is real. and when you have nightmare, you wake up screaming? like, once i had a dream that i was being shot at and i was hit, it just grazed me, but i was bleeding, i woke up and my shoulder was bleeding, not much but bleeding, from where the bullet hit in my dream. and you know how in a dream, you always wake up right before you die? maybe that’s because (i’m talking about possible book elements not real life) if you die in a dream, you’re actually in the land of the dead and dying in a dream gets you stuck there.

  36. Ashley says:

    Thank ya… But, I’m thinking that if that isn’t what DJ is planning, I’m so going to write something of that sort… probably never going to get published, but that would be a fun topic to cover.

    And, if he does, I take full credit.

  37. Dark Spirit says:

    I think his name is:



  38. LeBon says:

    DJ says the whole traveler thing is true. is it really, really, really, true, Mr.Machale. I mean, if it is i would go down there and see.

  39. Markus says:

    Yes, it is true. I woke up yesterday, with a ring, and my best friend jacob is missing. I am waiting for something to happen. *shifty eyes*

  40. William says:

    Sorry Lebon, but I doubt the whole thing about a Flume in the Bronx and all is true, and even if it is, I wouldn’t go there. What with all the man eating quig things? PAAIIN!

  41. LeBon says:

    Yea, i doubted it too. But i dont know if he was joking or not. hehe. And Shut up Markus

  42. Shadow Jumper says:

    I have to say that I doubt that the Flumes are real but if they were I definately would go in, cmon, all of those different worlds. I know that Morpheus Road came out a few days ago and I’m really looking forward to reading it. If any of you have a copy, can any of you, (withoght giving spoilers) tell us if you like it?

  43. Sean says:

    it was fantastic. great cliff hanger

  44. Markus says:

    You shut up Lebon, it really happened!!!!!!

  45. Darkness says:

    is his name Gravedigger? people keep saying stuff about Gravedigger, so… is that his name? and that would be soooooooo cool if the flumes were real and LeBon, i doubt that the flumes are real and i’m pretty sure that D.J. was just messing with you. but you never know *looks around room suspiously and hopes nothing out of the ordinary happens.*

  46. Darkness says:

    also, Markus. please don’t fool around. i’m not buying it. sorry!

  47. Markus says:

    NO ONE BELIEVES ME!!!!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *weeps off into a dark corner*

  48. random person says hello says:

    yeah right!!!!!!!! but if that really did happen (which i doubt it did) and you could give me proof of it i would believe you!!!! but considering that you’re not on some grand adventure and are posting on here than i would soooo believe you!!!!!

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