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PendragonRules!! GT18 says:
go to this other pendragon blog!!!!!!!!!!!
PendragonRules!! GT18 says:
fourth earth traveler says:
Yay!The world hasnt ende yet.I woder if it will soon, or at all. I dont believe in all that, but its possible.
*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** says:
http://www./ says:
Oh my goodness!!! Jess, you just gave me the shock of my life. No, that is not my salon in Japan. The owner however, is someone who has taken classes with us and even attended our grand opening. How did you ever find that website? I will be contacting my attorney directly. Thank you for the heads up.
http://www./ says:
Jay:We do know another way. It’s called life in prisonment.By imprisoning someone for life, we keep our loved ones safe and we save ourselves from the terrible act of taking someone’s life.