What was the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?

I don’t know if this was the scariest movie ever made, but it scared me more than any other movie.  When I was about eight my sister took me to a Disney flick (Sword in the Stone).  No problem there.  But the second feature was a horror film called Black Sabbath.  I begged my sister to stay for the second movie.  Big mistake.  I don’t remember much about it other than there were three stories and one was about a Medium who died and a visiting nurse stole her ring and the Medium (who was hideous looking) came back from the dead to get it back.  I had nightmares for years about that witch-looking thing popping out from under my bed.  What movie scared you the most?

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364 Comments on “What was the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?”

  1. i will be a Traveler says:


  2. AWESOME says:

    i think The 6th Sense was kinda creepy…

  3. N. says:

    Yeah, especially the people hanging in the school.

  4. i will be a Traveler says:

    wait. is this the same 6th sense were the little kid saw dead people who didn’t know they were dead and the guy who was helping him overcome this was dead too and he didn’t know it?

  5. Aja Killan fan says:

    *TO Lead Traveler*
    Fine. Its just the movie description anyways. And btw, I’m a Mormon too. And Pendragon kicks butt.

  6. Naymeer says:

    Yes, the same sixth sense. I’m Mormon too!!

  7. AWESOME says:

    i dont get what u guys r saying.

  8. ilovependragon says:

    i’m mormon.

  9. ilovependragon says:

    we are saying whether we are mormons or not. but let’s not turn it into a total religious site guys. please.

  10. Naymeer says:

    It’s not. If you haven’t noticed, most of the post are scary movies.

  11. Aja Killan fan says:

    ilovependragon was just saying It COULD get that way, and lets not make happen. Not that it already has.

  12. Marina says:

    I agree with Aja Killian fan…

  13. Naymeer says:

    Well, I agree with myself!! Raise you’re hand if you a gree with me. My hand is raised.

  14. Naymeer says:

    Spelled Agree wrong.

  15. Lead Traveler says:

    agree with you about what?

  16. Emily says:

    my mom and dad wont let me se anything above PG-13

  17. random person says:

    some PG-13s no Rs.

  18. random person says:

    has anyone seen Clash of the Titans?

  19. Aja Killan Fan says:

    *To Marina*
    Thank you.

  20. random person says:

    hello! please answer da question.

  21. Naymeer says:

    Yes, and I loved it.

  22. random person says:

    i liked the plot and acting but i just kind of wanted there to be a bit more. to me the part with the Kraken didn’t last long enough. has anyone seen Prince of Persia?

  23. random person says:

    or Socerer’s Apprentice?

  24. bri says:

    i saw Prince of Persia yesterday and it was awesome! i haven’t seen socerer’s apprentice though. i want to.

  25. Isabeau says:

    i’m allowed to watch PG-13 and some R’s

  26. i will be a Traveler says:

    Prince of Persia and Socerer’s Apprentice are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Aja Killan Fan says:


  28. Marina says:

    Oh my gosh! Those were great movies! I loved them!

  29. britt says:

    yesterday at schhol i saw the book cirque de freak i dont know if i want to read it. is it scary at all?

  30. Naymeer says:

    Not really, they have deadly spiders in it but not that scary, a ton of deaths, some bloody and graphic.

  31. bri says:

    i have never heard of book cirque de freak. how in all of Halla do you even say that?

  32. Aja Killan fan says:

    Serc doo freak. Its like Cirque du souleil(Serc doo sole ay).

  33. Aja Killan fan says:

    I’m pretty sure its French.

  34. Naymeer says:

    Yeah, it means Circus of Freaks in french. Cirque means Circus Du means of and freak is freak.

  35. bri says:


  36. AWESOME says:

    i saw the movie for that. it wasnt all that great. but sorcerers apprentice and prince of persia were AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. bri says:

    isn’t the apprentice in the socerer’s apprentice the same guy that played Hiccup in How to Train Your Dragon? which btw is awesome!

  38. Aja Killan Fan says:

    Yeah, he is. his name (the actor’s) is Jay Baruchel.

  39. bri says:

    oh! ok. people say he has a high snotty voice in HtTYD. i don’t think so. does anyone else.

  40. AWESOME says:

    when is the next GOOD movie supposed to come out?

  41. Aja Killan Fan says:

    November 19th. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. I am DEFINETLY going to the midnight show.

  42. Aja Killan Fan says:

    No, I agree with you, bri. I think his voice is perfectly fine…

  43. bri says:

    what do you mean by that? don’t you thing, HtTYD is good, Socerer’s Apprentice, Prince of Persia, and, and, and…?

  44. bri says:

    and thanks Aja.

  45. cats says:

    When my sister wuz 3 she saw Beetle Juice and now if you say it she freaks. FYI, she is a junior in high school.

  46. bri says:

    do you love cats? i do.

  47. Naymeer says:

    BeetleJuice is freaking hirlarious!

  48. bri says:

    what’s BEETLE juice, i’ve heard of BUG juice, not BEETLE juice.

  49. Naymeer says:

    A movie with Michale Keaton Alec Baldwin.

  50. Naymeer says:

    And Alec Baldwin. My mistake.

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