What was the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?

I don’t know if this was the scariest movie ever made, but it scared me more than any other movie.  When I was about eight my sister took me to a Disney flick (Sword in the Stone).  No problem there.  But the second feature was a horror film called Black Sabbath.  I begged my sister to stay for the second movie.  Big mistake.  I don’t remember much about it other than there were three stories and one was about a Medium who died and a visiting nurse stole her ring and the Medium (who was hideous looking) came back from the dead to get it back.  I had nightmares for years about that witch-looking thing popping out from under my bed.  What movie scared you the most?

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364 Comments on “What was the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?”

  1. Aja Killan Fan says:

    I saw it a while ago. It’s pretty good. AND CATS ARE EVIL.

  2. Naymeer says:


  3. bri says:

    i think i’ve seen that movie at hastings before. though i’ve never watched it. AND CATS ARE FUN AND NICE, AND CUTE, AND EVERYTHING SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Naymeer says:

    Not if they throw up everywhere. Both of my cats do that.

  5. bri says:

    my cats do too, but i still love them. they’re so cute. one of them poops all the time too. but i still love him. cats are SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Naymeer says:

    One of my cats are litearly evil. He howls and his eyes glow in the dark!!

  7. Walter says:

    The Ring

  8. bri says:

    all cats’ eyes glow in the dark. and some cats howl when they are…i forgot.
    what about “The Ring”? i don’t get it.

  9. Naymeer says:

    The movie, he’s talking about the scariest movie. And you don’t understand, my cat is like a phantom, I know most cats can move quick, but not this quick, he can get from one end of the room to the other in seconds, without running.

  10. bri says:

    Naymeer, Naymeer, Naymeer. it probably didn’t look like he was running. but i know that he is because i had to learn that myself. my cat did the exact same thing your cat does and he still can but if you see him taking off throw yourself in the middle of his path. if he doesn’t jump over you or stop, you may continue to believe he’s a phantom. if he does, which i think he will cause my cat did, then he is just a regular cat.

  11. Naymeer says:

    You just have to prove me wrong. And my cat is litearlly evil, I accidentially stepped on my other ctas tale, and I turned on a light to say sorry to her, and my evil cat was sitting there, and he wasn’t there before, and he howled at me.

  12. bri says:

    yes i do. and it might have looked like your other cat. and don’t say that you swear it wasn’t.

  13. Naymeer says:

    No, my other cat is so fat, she could eat a hippo and still be hungry, I can tell the difference.

  14. bri says:

    well, if it was your other cat, she wouldn’t have been able to disappear so quickly. maybe you thought it was your other cat because your two cats have some resemblance and so your brain thought it was your nice cat when it wasn’t. my brain does that to me. even though one of my cats is fat and black and white, and the other is semi-fat and gray and white

  15. Naymeer says:

    My evil cat is black, and my fat cat is brown and I could tell she was there in the dark.

  16. britt says:

    is harry potter coming out this year? if so super excited if not then ill cry. lol

  17. britt says:

    i did it agian i was reading the older comments

  18. Naymeer says:

    Yeah, it’s comming out either november or october.

  19. britt says:


  20. Naymeer says:

    November 19 apparently, and it has two parts, also.

  21. britt says:

    yeah thats what i heard i also heard theres a 30 minute fighting scene!!

  22. Naymeer says:

    Yeah, something like that.

  23. Aja Killan Fan says:

    i hear you about the cat, Naymeer…

  24. bri says:

    Naymeer! Guess what some stupid people did!

  25. bri says:

    and don’t say what please, actually guess.

  26. Naymeer says:

    Uhh, dissed pendragon, dissed me, dissed me? Dissed D.J. Machale.

  27. Naymeer says:

    I wanna know!

  28. bri says:

    some people vandalized a new church that was being built! it’s horrible!

  29. Naymeer says:


  30. bri says:

    i know!

  31. Aja Killan fan says:

    *Sigh..* Why some people have such crapy social lives that they need to make themselves look like something much cooler than they are evades me. Why not go to the park and sit with a pad and paper? or go to the coast and watch the sea lions for writing inspiration? Or curl up on a couch with a snuggie and a book(perferably Pendragon)??? They could do so much more with there free time. I so all of that when theres no one to hang out with. And that happens a lot. u don’t see me vandalizing houses of the Lord, do u???????

  32. Aja Killan fan says:

    Sorrry for the long comment. Just venting some steam. I had a sub today and she would do better working at a daycare than subing. The comment about the church just made me snap.

  33. britt says:

    why would they do that! 😮

  34. Naymeer says:

    They have no life and thought it would be cool to brag about at school.

  35. Lead Traveler says:

    I HATE VANDALIZING PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT MAKES ME SOOOOOOOOOOO MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY DO THEY HAVE TO DO IT!?!?!??! IT’S JUST WIERD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT WILL IT ACCOMPLISH?!?!?! PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  36. i will be a Traveler says:

    you again. >:(
    my English teacher is mean/nice. she is pretty strict and gives us work ALL THE TIME, but she lets the due dates go out far. what i mean is. we started a little project today and only had like, 8 minutes till school was out and she said she wanted it colored too, with all the other things we had to do on it. but when the bell rang she said we didn’t have to do it for homework. we would have time to do it Monday. so yeah.

  37. Naymeer says:

    Ok, that was random, my english teacher, I hate her. I think she hates me too. I forget my books in my locker all the time and forget to do my work, yet I’m a strait A student, how weird is that?

  38. britt says:

    pizz pumkin potato pie with dark coco lime pudding

  39. britt says:

    now thats random

  40. Aja Killan Fan says:

    um… O…K???
    My english teacher is awesome. My favorite by far of all my teachers.

  41. liv says:

    i love english Enngllish yeh but my teachers kool too so im ok

  42. britt says:

    lol 🙂 😀

  43. Lead Traveler says:

    my fav. teachers have been my 1st grade teacher, and my 6th grade world civ. teacher.

  44. Comet says:

    How did you guys get from talking about scary movies to english teachers??

  45. Naymeer says:

    Ask I will be a traveler

  46. Aja Killan Fan says:

    we are SO random…

  47. Comet says:

    here’s something random:

    my dog exploded when a tap dancing alligator ate my ham sandwich while Michael Myers dipped cheese in chocolate

  48. Aja Killan Fan says:


  49. i will be a Traveler says:

    that sounds good. hmmm…

  50. Comet says:

    lol i dont think chocolate covered cheese would taste that good actually

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