Twenty Twelve

Any resolutions? Wishes? Hopes?

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306 Comments on “Twenty Twelve”

  1. eelong rulz says:

    I hope that nothing bad happens to anyone that is nice!!

    And that 2012 is a myth…

  2. BuggyReality says:

    Ha 2012 can’t be true. Too many good things are going to happen in 2012. Among those will be The Blood 🙂 Hope you and your family have a great new year Mr. MacHale. Hope we get a Pendragon movie. Hope you release even more great books 😀 Happy New Years everyone.

  3. Challenger Black says:


    Agree 100% 🙂

  4. Holly says:

    @BuggyReality and Challenger Black. I also agree all the way!

  5. MikeBlue18 says:

    I also agree.

    In 2012, I’m hoping to finish my own book (as every single one of your fans has said at one point or another) and self-publish it via Blurb.com. I’m also going to read The Blood, and hoping to hear more about your new series… Any mentions in the Foreword like last time, I wonder? I hope so. If not, no worries.

    Hobey Ho, and a Happy New Year to you, DJ!

    And so we go…again.

  6. Courtney Chetwynde says:

    The morpheus travelers’ revolution is to try to get all A or A+
    My goals are to read The Blood on the first day it comes out and for my families house to sell so we can move to a place where you Mr.Machale actually visit. My wishes are simple to have a pendragon movie to be made. Till then i just wish to have fun on the pendragon blog with the other Morpheus travelers!!!!!

  7. Batu Warrior says:

    I have decided I have do something amazing this year 🙂 I don’t know what, just something. I read to so much science fiction and watch so many movies, my life seems so boring lol…. And I have a gigantic reading list I’m going to try to read. I add more almost every day. Happy new years eve everyone!

  8. Kale says:

    Happy New Year to the people of Second Earth.

    My goal: to actually finish a book that I’m writing and to actually get past the rough draft.

    By the way, what’s it like going through the publication process? That’s my ultimate goal some day but to be honest, I don’t know much about it. Like contacting agents and editors and whatnot…


    P.S. To put all your 2012 fears to rest, here’s what really happened. The Mayan guy who wrote the calender broke his pencil and then got lazy and decided not to finish it. The end.

  9. D.J. MacHale says:

    I agree with Batu Warrior…try to do something amazing this year.

  10. Julia says:

    I will try to see more concerts this year! Starting with the Falling In Reverse concert on January 27th 😀

    Along with that, I hope to get a band together this year that are all serious about music and know that music is the only road they want to pursue. I mean, I’m already in a band…but we only cover Christian songs. I want to get a band together that plays Christian rock. Something that hides the messages in the lyrics. Good enough to get mainstream. Like Skillet, UnderOATH, and Family Force 5 all mixed together!

  11. eelong rulz says:


    movie producers are gonna get killed when 2012 isn’t real!! ^-^

  12. Julia says:

    Lol, who actually believes that 2012 is the end of the world? I most certaintly don’t

  13. It's not a man purse it's a satchel says:

    @MikeBlue18, what does “Hobey Ho” mean?

  14. Lead Traveler says:

    @It’s not a man purse it’s a satchel, “Hobey Ho” could mean “Wassup,” “Sweet!” (or “Awesome,” or other such words) or “Let’s go!” Basically, it’s a positive exclamation used on Cloral (and by Pendragon fans such as myself).

    On the subject of 2012…The Blood will obviously be awesome; it is one of the many books that I have lined up to read. There are also a lot of awesome movies coming out in the summer, great music albums, even a new video game console. It will definitely be a great year for all facets of entertainment.

    Oh, and the world’s not going to end. We’re doing just fine now, nothing suggests that the world will cease to exist in one way or another in less than a year.

    Here’s to a great 2012!

    Btw, DJ, do you have any plans for books after Morpheus Road?

  15. Amber says:

    this year i want to make better then last year. i want to make it an aswome year full of fun and reading.

  16. SilverMisty says:

    1. To be a great influence and example towards others—to make a difference in the community
    2. Fulfill the Morpheus Travelers’ resolution (as typed in by Courtney)
    3. To do things that are interesting and exciting that I haven’t done before 🙂

  17. Ben says:

    I hope for the new morpheus road to come out at the end gf january. Just finished the black

  18. Chase says:

    I wish time would speed up so we could finally savor morpheus road the blood

  19. Hallaman10 says:

    I dont bielieve in that paranoia fuled legend, and even on the extremley off chance it does happen we really cant do anything about it so why lose sleep over it if it all ends im sure it will be quick and we’ll down the next part of this worlds Morpheus Road 😉

  20. It's not a man purse it's a satchel says:

    @Lead Traveler-Oh.

  21. Patrick's Acolyte says:

    I love to write but I hate other people reading it. My teacher is trying to get me to publish some of my stories……I keep trying to tell her that i dont want to because i just want to be a pastry chef…,.

  22. rayvon says:

    i want to be good for once and not get in trouble. so thats why i read your books so much because they help me stay out of trouble! 😀

  23. Flume of Doom says:

    That calls for a Wilhelm Scream!

  24. Quig Pig says:


  25. DADOSLAYER says:

    There is never a “pig quig” in the pendragin books!!!!

  26. It's not a man purse it's a satchel says:

    I’m confused, is it “quig pig” or “pig quig”?

  27. Quig Pig says:

    Look at the title you filthy animal!

  28. Flume of Doom says:

    You think you’re sly but it’s a lie,
    that your might will avail you but it wont.
    For despite your every trick and try,
    I believe ya but my tommygun don’t!

  29. Chris says:

    Does anyone know DJs email? P:S i hope DJ comes out with anouther great series like pendragon or Morpheus. 2012 DOOMSDAY!!!!!! DJ should write a book about doomsday. that Would be awesome! Or a book were the people from his books meet in a world were they have to save the day ( or to evil ) and have little or no memory of there lives before!

  30. eelong rulz says:

    flume of doom, that was a fanstic poem!

  31. Flume of Doom says:

    Why, thank you kindly mister.

  32. Quig Pig says:

    It might be a girl…

  33. Flume of Doom says:

    Let’s just play it safe and call it a Wan.
    Half woman half man.

    Thank you kindly, o Wan.

  34. Flume of Doom says:

    There was a Wan, its name was Zan.
    so as not to hinder tranquility,
    we could not call it Dan or Ann
    for it had no gender, as you see…
    not a boy, not a girl, just a plain old Wan.

  35. It's not a man purse it's a satchel says:

    @Quig Pig-Jeez sorry! Actually, no I’m not.

  36. Quig Pig says:

    You think you’re crackin’ wise?

  37. Courtney Chetwynde says:

    Guys if u want to randomly talk come to the pendragon movie blog

  38. It's not a man purse it's a satchel says:

    no I don’t think I’m crackin’ wise. But I think you’re on crack

  39. Britt says:


    I agree with your thoughts as to why many think the world will end this year, that’s really funny, man! The truth is, nobody knows when the world will end. It won’t really ‘end’ until Jesus comes back to this earth, and nobody but God knows when that will be.

    Good luck on finishing your book! I am also writing a book, but I’m not sure I’ll finish it until this summer. What is your book about?

    I hope to become a better Christian this year, and to grow closer to God. And also to focus more on my school work. 🙂

    D.J., I am super excited about The Blood, I can’t wait!


  40. It's not a man purse it's a satchel says:

    I wish I could get God’s phone number or e-mail adress, man. I’d go over to his house and play video games with him

  41. Britt says:

    Dear ‘It’s not a man purse it’s a satchel’

    I know that you are probably being sarcastic, but please, please read this anyway! You don’t have to have God’s phone number to talk to him, you can just talk to him like you would your best friend, He will always listen! God will always be with you. Always. Forever. Just remember, He will always love you, even when nobody else does!


  42. Julia says:


    I LOVE your posts! Read them like 20 times, lol. Keep up the good work!

    In Christ,

  43. Chris says:

    anyone know DJ. machales email???

  44. It's not a man purse it's a satchel says:

    That’s good advice, Britt

  45. Britt says:


    Thanks, that means a lot!


    It’s djmac@djmachalebooks.com

    It’s not a man purse it’s a satchel,

    Thank you very much! 🙂

    Living for the Lord,

  46. Hallaman10 says:


    Well Miss Britt, I see you have a very strong faith in our lord and I have only the greatest respects for that. I just wanted to say that I agree with everything you say and for you to keep your advice coming.

  47. eelong rulz i'm not a wan says:

    guys, i think maybe it’s this year that the news that the merchant of death will become a movie!!

  48. eelong rulz i'm not a wan says:

    and i agree with britt… do you really need someone’s phone number to talk to them? no

  49. Challenger Black says:

    @eelong rulz i’m not a wan

    I hope so. That would be awesome! 🙂

  50. Britt says:

    Thank you so much everyone! You all are so awesome. You don’t know how much I appreciate your kind feedback. I do indeed have a very strong faith in God, and love to share his word. You all are such an inspiration to do the Lord’s work. Thanks again!

    Keep living for the Lord, all.

    ~Britt 🙂

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