What do you think of the new Pendragon covers?

The Merchant of Death was first published in 2002 . . . a lifetime ago.  So we thought it was time to spiff up the Pendragon series and create new covers.   Over the next year or so, all ten books will come out with the new design.  (Paperback only.  The hardcovers won’t change)

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364 Comments on “What do you think of the new Pendragon covers?”

  1. Michael Thomas says:

    I certainly like them, mostly how each book is consistent with their own color scheme and unique pattern. It keeps them unique yet alike at the same time… if that makes any sense.

    By the way, what is that exactly on the new Merchant of Death cover? It looks like Bobby’s digital watch with some tak smudges on it.

  2. MJ says:

    Well, I’m not going to lie, the new covers look pretty awesome. They’re cool. Modern. Eye-catching. So I do like them.

    However, I have to add on that the thing that attracted me to the Pendragon books originally – years and years ago – was the beautifully drawn artwork on the covers. Victor Lee did an amazing job on all of them, and one of my favorite things about each new book coming out was getting to see what the next cover looked like.

    I guess all I’m really saying is that I think the original covers are kind of kind of a key part to the whole overall Pendragon experience, at least for me. And for me, they’re going to be what I think of whenever I think Pendragon. But I can easily see the new covers taking on that role for a new generation of readers. They really do look quite good.

    Anyways, best of luck! I look forward to seeing the new covers for books six through ten!


  3. DJ says:

    The image on the cover of MoD is a Traveler ring…complete with the ten markings, each representing one of the ten territories.

    And you’re right, MJ, this is Pendragon for the next generation.

  4. Michael Thomas says:

    Oh a Traveler Ring, ha I feel a little silly for not seeing that before. Now it all makes sense. Well my imagination of the ring was near perfect if that’s the case.

  5. Cole V says:

    Personally, I loved the old covers and I think the new ones look a bit lazily done. But I am known to be really critical of stuff like that….
    I suppose the new covers are appealing to newer audiences though, and I’m always a fan of change. Are new covers planned for 6-10? Last time I checked, only the first 5 books had the new covers

  6. Colin L says:

    I agree with MJ, whenever I remember Pendragon I will remember the original covers but at the same time the new covers look pretty neat. Also the new layout of the site is looking great too! Lots of change!

  7. Joseph S says:

    These new covers are awesome
    they look really flashy where the others looked a little dull

  8. John G says:

    One thing I liked about the first covers was that Bobby’s face grew and matured as the story progressed. I think this reflects the theme of the book that it is a journey through time and subsequently maturation

  9. Chase Tilton says:

    I think the design for RB is much better than the old one, love the color scheme on it too. Not sure what I think of some of the other ones…but I’ve been looking at the old covers for years now, so maybe that’s just familiarity talking.

    Good to see some form of site back up and running again. Missed the forums something awful.

    Cheers, DJ – stay safe and best regards to the family.

  10. Corpus says:

    Random thought. Will the other books ever be made into graphic novels? I’ve been waiting for the second one and haven’t heard anything about it.

  11. Brynn says:

    Well, i do enjoy the new covers, but i feel like they are falling into the more generic series-cover trend. None of which have a very specific object on the front, but are all just general symbols.

    One of my favorite parts of the series is being able to look at how Bobby physically changed through each one of the novels. It helped me see exactly what was happening or what was going to happen in the next book. It helped me link the emotional advancements he went through with a physical roughness being added through each new book.

  12. Mike says:

    Firstly, I have to say that I love the website! It seems to be … somehow more beautiful than the last. Secondly, I absolutely love the new covers, and while I’ll remember the older covers, it is nice to see the Pendragon Books getting a refreshing look, if you know what I mean.

    So excited about the Light, too! Also, is the Second Book in the Morpheus Road Trilogy going to be called “The Dark”, as a way to sway it from Light to Dark, or am I totally off the mark?

    Thanks for reading, Mike.

  13. Lauren says:

    I do think that the new covers are more eye-catching, especially since people don’t seem to read much anymore and they judge more on the cover at first. The new covers don’t seem to show parts of the book like the old ones did. But it was the covers and the way the other travelers would appear on some of the covers that caught my eye. I also really like being able to watch Bobby grow up and mature as the series went on. Maybe it’s just weird but I like the old cover art, it shows originality and the new covers are just so much more generic than the old ones.

    By the way, D.J., love the books. They’re amazing!

  14. Kathleen says:

    I liked the old covers better because I could see Bobby grow over the time he was travelling across Halla. But that’s just me.

  15. Steven. Ferreira says:

    I enjoy these new covers a bit more then the older ones because they make you think. The images are diffrent and complex looking but to look back and try to figure out were their from is a pretty cool challange.

  16. Christopher says:

    Wow, my first comment. Since I read the first series of Pendragon and visited the website, you said the forums was closed. So I wanna say this book is awesome! But too bad every book/series has an ending..

    And awesome covers, its like I wanna buy the book again just to see the new covers.

  17. Fabrice says:

    I personally love the new book covers they’re so mysterious to the people who haven’t read the pendragon series. I also liked the old covers because it’s a visualization from what the author or artist. It takes place in a part of the book and i thought that was really cool.

  18. Swiffy says:

    Both old covers and new covers are cool.
    Lauren made a really good point in that most people end up “judging books by their cover.” Every so often, the art on the front should change, to appeal to a variety of people.

  19. spader5 says:

    I like the new covers and the old ones. They are both very detailed, but simple at the same time.`

  20. FireGirl20 says:

    There O.K. But I still like the older ones better because now the books confuse me and I all ways love the original stuff better! =)

  21. Cory says:

    On the Traveler’s ring on the new cover, which symbol represents which territory? I see some of the symbols are similar, but I also see two are identical. Also, the stone in the center looks absolutely stunning.
    Tah, for now.

  22. Sammy says:

    Book 1: Good
    Book 2: I don’t understand what the compass has to do with the book
    Book 3: O.K the plain is not a major part of the book
    Book 4: Why a Bio-hazard symbol but it’s cool looking
    Book 5: For both the old and new covers why is there a random floating set of eyes on the cover other that looks cool

  23. Swiffy says:

    Hey! Why is everyone so negative about the new covers?!
    (Well, not everyone, but I’m trying to make a point)

    The new covers are BEAST MODE!!!

    They’re definately next gen Pendragon covers.

  24. hugefan says:

    Way cool covers, though I like the originals best.

  25. AjaKillian says:

    I love the new covers!!!! way awsome!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Rik says:

    like old one better

  27. JP Cabrales says:

    The new covers are okay, and look good in their own way. But I kinda miss the Bobby-ness of the original covers. Though I’d say the Traveler ring in the new Book 1 cover is quite cool! 🙂

  28. RMB says:

    The new covers are awesome, but I still think the old ones suit the series well… all the same both types of covers are great!

  29. MW2 says:

    I like the new covers a lot there really eye chatching. I like the old ones a lot to…. Sorry for not staying on topic but there’s a rumor that the Pendragon series will be a movie in 2011 but I’m still not sure Pendraon Forever

  30. Coleman W. says:

    I love the pendragon series. just wonder’n if ther’ll be another

  31. Vo Spader says:

    but i would like an alternate ending i didnt like the real one

  32. Shelby says:

    I think the are really spiff

  33. rachel says:

    they suck, i like the original covers with bobby on them better

  34. Stephon-gcb says:

    My favorite covers are the 9th & 10th book covers! Then I like the 1st-8th covers and then the new covers exept for the fourth one is 100x’s better then the classic 4th one! The 4th new cover is almost as cool as the 10th & 9th book covers!

  35. Monsierblue says:

    The new covers look awsome, and i have noticed that each drawling has to do with something related to the territory.
    These new covers are really appealing and they did a really good job. Pendragon rules!

  36. Echo says:

    i think these new covers are cool. but i really like the old ones a whole lot. you get to see how much Bobby changes over the years, from the clueless (is how you put someone who doesnt know about Halla?) to someone who is really experienced. you get to see how much he grows up as a person too, even from those pictures. again, the new covers are cool but i prefer the old ones.

  37. Stephon-gcb says:

    Does anyone know what book 4’s new cover has to do with thereality bug

  38. Carley says:

    The new covers look fabulous! I myself got the original ones, but these ones look much more mature. The only downside I think is that it is becoming a challenge to find all the original covers and my friend and I are trying to find one to replace my one book that had fallen to a tragic ink incident. One of these day an old school pendragon book shall appear!

  39. D.J. MacHale says:

    Carley, you can always find the old covers on Amazon.

  40. Robin (I am a guy) says:

    I love the new covers! they’re totally spiff (if I may use one of Vo Spader’s words)! Anyone know how to find imiges of the characters? Mark, Courtney etc.?

  41. Stephon-gcb says:

    Umm….I guess you could look at the sketches in the pendragon comic book….but I’m personally not a big fan of the comic…That’s all I can think of Robin.

  42. Titan says:

    To Sammy reguarding book five, its not a random pair of eyes on the new one…its a tang, the purple and green are its feautures and teeth…=)
    and Vo only you would ask fro and alternate ending =P
    But i am loving the new covers especialy Books 1 and 5 good luck with your writing and Can’t wait to see books 6-10

  43. Kennen says:

    Cool! And yeah, the new covers don’t give us that much information on what the book is all about. (A certain mystery for first-time readers!)
    All of them are somehow related to the story, but it does not give away everything. It’s more dark and mature… I think. Great job.

  44. Connor says:

    awesome! Though I did enjoy seeing bobby in all the territorys, but I love the new covers!

  45. wato4756 says:

    I think the new Pendragon covers are really cool. They really make the book look intersting.

  46. makari says:

    dont hate on the covers its the book that matter which i must say is awesomely awesome

  47. Pendragonfan says:

    luv them

  48. Sean Gillis says:

    I find the new cover very appealing, but I still like who the older covers showed how Bobby grew up. I have on question though, and I think his will make other peoples day and year most likely, or maybe they already ask this question, but are you ever going to make the Pendragon books in to a movie?

  49. Kevin says:

    I love them, but i loved the black water cover so much for some reason (the old one). Also for the old covers it’s so weird looking at bobby on book 10 then looking at him on book 1

  50. Nick says:

    So cool!! I can’t wait to see the rest of them!

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