Have you ever had a supernatural experience?

One of the scenes in Morpheus Road: The Light was  easy to write because I based it on something that actually happened to me.  I won’t go into detail here until after the book comes out (you know, spoilers) but I will say it has something to do with Marsh Seaver being home alone playing music. . . and hearing some very strange sounds.  What I wrote about in the book is pretty much exactly what happened to me, and I was never able to explain what it was, other than to believe there was something truly other-wordly going on.

Has anybody else had something spooky happen to them?  Only real stories, please.  No fiction.

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391 Comments on “Have you ever had a supernatural experience?”

  1. Lead Traveler says:

    wierd. very wierd.

  2. Lead Traveler says:

    but why did you have to have a whole cite about stories?

  3. veelox0 says:

    My supernatural experience:

    Ok so there’s this haunted resturant in my town, and I went to eat and take pictures to see if I could catch someone or something supernatural on camera. So as i went to take a picture of a ‘haunted mirror’ my camera went out, and then turned back on. I then took a picture of the mirror and told my parents to leave NOW because i was freaking out. so i went home to anylize my pictures and there i saw it. In the mirror there was a guy carrying a sac that looked big enough to have a body in it…

  4. i will be a Traveler says:

    hi everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m back!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. i will be a Traveler says:

    man i haven’t been here in a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Mrs.Caroline Mac says:

    I was having lunch in the kitchen with my family when we heard a door slam upstairs. It would have been perfectly normal except for one thing. Everyone was downstairs. We went upstairs to check out what happenned. There was only one closed door. Mine. We checked around the room to see if there was another explanation why the door had been slammed, but there was none. It still remains a mystery.

  7. HELLO says:


  8. Julia says:

    HELLO, as for your question about Charlie, my sister and I both saw him. I never told her about him, she just knew he was there. No one else could see him but us.

  9. HELLO says:

    cool. yet freaky

  10. Julia says:

    I know. It is. Like so much.

  11. Julia says:

    But you get used to it. Seeing paranormal stuff, I mean.

  12. HELLO says:

    very true.

  13. Kalakez says:

    I felt someone breathing on my shoulder once and no one was there…

  14. David B. says:

    I have had several strange things happen to me, personally. I have yet to find an explanation that makes sense, apart from people I tell saying I’m crazy.

    There have been many instances of things moving on their own. One moment, there’s in one spot. The next, they’re in another spot entirely. Sometimes, they aren’t even found until much later, by which time they may have changed spots again.

    I, personally, have also seen black things moving in my peripheral vision. About half of them leave no traces, but there have been a few occasions where, when I look, there is a bit of dirt where they were, or an object falls over when they move. There was one occasion where one actually stayed when I looked at it…it was pitch black in the room…I turned on the light when it dashed at the cat, and it immediately disappeared. In it’s place, however, the floor was warm and wet. I know it wasn’t before, because I had been sitting there less than a minute ago.

    There have been other situations, but I am choosing to not reveal them…for my friends’ sake…

  15. second traveler says:

    I was walking alonag a road and then this man ran past us and then wind blew and chimes sounded and i was fricked

  16. kristen says:

    Yes I have. It happened last year. I was in my room and I woke up about 4 am and I looked over at my nightstand and heard some women’s voice say,”unwanted guests.” I hope that didn’t mean me. i live in a house over 70 years old. Yes, I live in a haunted house.

  17. kristen says:

    I have another story. I like to tumble around on my bed and one night I’m curled up in a ball and something slaps my butt. THIS IS TRUE!!!!!! though it is kind of funny.

  18. Madi says:

    My mom’s lived in two different haunted houses growing up. In one there was this ghost of a little boy who ran through the living room at the same time every day, and always disappeared at the same spot. And I forget which one this was in, but, in one the doors slammed, drawers closed suddenly(usually with your hand still in them), and there were steps pacing the hallway and mom’s room, which were carpeted but sounded like someone walking on hard wood. Oh, and when the doors were slammed, and you were trying to open it, it wouldn’t move, like someone was holding the door shut. Mom said once, “The house had moods.” Things would be in one place, then you turn away for a moment and they’d be somewhere else. This is all true, I swear.

  19. Lead Traveler says:

    i used to live in a kind of haunted house. wierd things would happen but not too wierd like footsteps or ghostly apparations. i knew it was haunted, but that never prevented me from sleeping outside in the hall cause i got scared in my room, (my closet was right near my bed and it was haunted also) or going to sleep at night. then when we built our new house since it’s still new it creaks at night cause its settling down, and me and my sis started to watch this ghost show called “Ghost Whisperer” about a girl who could see ghosts and not all of them were nice. now i have trouble going to sleep at night sometimes. maybe its because im older and ghosts prefer little 7 year olds to teenagers.

  20. kristen says:

    Hey lead traveler know how you feel. I only go to sleep if my closet door is closed, my bedroom door is open, and the bathroom door is open.

  21. kristen says:

    No matter what time it is I always feel like I’m watched. CREEPY!!!!! Also, you may not believe me but I go to a haunted school. I was at a camp for a school feild trip and we had to stay 3 days.the first night I saw a red devil looking thing coming towards me and a blue moose head(not making up) Also we left a note at the camp saying if you saw something write it on that paper. That camp is camp mcdowell. If you are a girl and go to that camp make sure you don’t get the murray manor cabin. It’s haunted.

  22. Comet says:

    I once felt something like a cold hand on my shoulder. It wasn’t threatening. If anything, it felt friendly.

  23. Lead Traveler says:

    whats creepy about the murray manor cabin!?!?!?!?!?!?!

  24. st dain needs 2 die says:

    i was in th shower[tmi] and i felt like i was b ing watched

  25. st dain needs 2 die says:

    my bro is posesed jk hes just a demon jk hes just pure evil

    does that count

  26. demi lavoto says:

    hi guys back from rehab jk
    i just LUV demi
    i luv me
    ANYWAYS iam a freak an i b livethat there r supernaturl b eings
    th parent normal r cool with me

  27. Comet says:


  28. Comet says:

    And its paranormal, not parent normal :/

  29. i will be a Traveler says:

    some wierd comments are on here.

  30. Comet says:

    got that right

  31. Zack says:

    Yes I Have had a supernatural experience, i saw 5 demons surrounding my bed one night (this was a while ago).

  32. Holly says:

    Hey Guys! i haven’t been on here for like a year! haha so i don’t know if you guys even remember me! 🙂

  33. britt says:

    i had a cuasin who was possessed for years when we went to visit i stayed away from her cuase i thought she was scary.

  34. britt says:

    she ist possessed any more

  35. talon says:

    i like pie

  36. talon says:

    ohh ya i left a peace of pie on the conter and left it when i came back it was gone no one in house must be the pie ghost

  37. Drew says:

    I was in my room when my door slammed shut and i heard laughing on the other side. I was home alone. no one in my family would believe me. i was scared.

  38. Drew says:

    aHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I just saw a man in my closet. HelPPPPPPPPPPPPP. call the cops!!!!!!!!!

  39. Drew says:


  40. M.Annette says:

    Well my sister went to some old building in Gettysburg once and was just wandering around, with her fiance, and it got chillly and then she couldn’t breathe. She said it felt like she was being strangled and she told him that she had to get out of there, so he pulled her out and when she was out of the room she said she felt normal again. And he hadn’t felt anything the whole time. It really freaked her out.

  41. M.Annette says:

    And my mom swears her house when she was a kid was haunted. It would creak and things would go missing and her sister started having nightmares and sleepwalking after they moved there. And when they moved out she stopped.

  42. Jacob says:

    My great-grandama passed away and my family inherited her chair (she always sat in it, and we also got other things), on my first day of school (In August) my Mom took a picture and sitting on the edge of the chair with me was an orb with her body structure (or something VERY similar) around it, we took another picture and it wasn’t there.

  43. A. says:

    I have a few but I’ll just list the wierdest/scariest ones.
    One of the times I was watching a repeat on T.V. that I had seen a million tomes before but this time I wasa t home alone watching alone and all of a sudden heard my name like as if it came from a crowd behind the camera.
    I was at my dance recital once and some other class had beach balls and we were throwing it around, but then I hit it too hard and it fell down a space in the floor where the sand bags and stuff were messed with. I went over to teh space and right as I looked down something ran on all four legs across the space, no one was down there…

  44. Midget says:

    Have you ever had a feeling that somebody is watching you? that happens to me often in my house. a couple months after my father died, that has happened to me. Not only me though, to my sister too. Also, i have been seeing bright lights, that flash once and disappear, although i think that may just be my eyes.

  45. EminemismyHero says:

    I’m currently dating a demon……Jokin!!!

    Yo blogger peeps!! I’m new up in here sup I luv eminem btw

  46. EminemismyHero says:


  47. EminemismyHero says:

    Beginning of Raven Rise=FREAKING boring!!!!!!

    Entire of soldiers of Halla=fing awesomeness on more crack then eminem

  48. EminemismyHero says:

    Y is nobody onnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!

  49. EminemismyHero says:

    My house real huge n nice not bragin and it creeps th sh$&!? Out of me!! Very very creepy place indeed. It’s like I hear Wemon wailing in agony at night not joking

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