One of the scenes in Morpheus Road: The Light was easy to write because I based it on something that actually happened to me. I won’t go into detail here until after the book comes out (you know, spoilers) but I will say it has something to do with Marsh Seaver being home alone playing music. . . and hearing some very strange sounds. What I wrote about in the book is pretty much exactly what happened to me, and I was never able to explain what it was, other than to believe there was something truly other-wordly going on.
Has anybody else had something spooky happen to them? Only real stories, please. No fiction.
Naymeer says:
Well, I don’t think a ghost would have the taps in a pattern, it would probaly want to tell you something, cause not all ghosts are sinister.
Comet says:
i dont know if it was even a ghost or not. Another time a was half asleep in bed and then i went to turn over. I saw this big dark shape by my dresser just as i laid down. I quickly sat up again and it was gone.
Naymeer says:
Tons of times I see shapes of people down the hall.
Comet says:
once i was watching my dog go by the back door and suddenly at the corner of my eye i saw a huge dark fourlegged shape run through the yard. it was way too big to be a dog and my backyard was fenced. my brothers saw it too
WaterKat says:
my friend and I were in her basement once, we turned out all the lights (after she told me a story about something that happen to her and HER friend), and we said “If you’re there knock, after we do!” And we heard knocking. A time before that, We heard thumping sounds on her basement stairs, at probably 10 PM. Then I woke up to it at 3 AM. We don’t know what it was.
SpiritOfSolara says:
Omigosh, what you wrote about the water dropping reminded me of what happened a few years ago. I think the first time was when i was sleeping alone in a really big guest room in my grandparent’s house. I was feeling a little afraid and then i started hearing a loud dripping sound, like water. At first, i wasn’t too concerned, but it just kept getting louder. I went to check the faucets at like 12 midnight.They weren’t dripping. It haunted me until I squeezed my head with my pillow. Te second time was when my dad was asleep in the living room, then i was really scared.
bri says:
why were you scared when your dad was asleep in the living room?
Comet says:
wow it must be very unusual for your dad to sleep in the living room to make you scared like that
Mozartghost says:
britt says:
I SEE THE CHEESE!!!!!!!!! says:
i’m not getting this conversation at all.
second traveler says:
britt says:
spirit of salra siad somthin bout her dad sleeping in a chair and it was scary but i think she was talking bout the dripping sound
Naymeer says:
I have been seeing black orbs around me a lot…
Mozartghost says:
Scary your story is.
Learn the origins of the black orbs you must; and wisdom you will gain.
Lead Traveler says:
this is the wierdest conversation ever. i just ate a lot of cottage cheese btw and i don’t feel too good. i’m listening to the lord of the rings soundtrack from the 3rd movie right now and being lazy.
Naymeer says:
Well… uh, that is depressing, Lead Traveler. I’m out hopping fences and tripping over fences and you…
Lead Traveler says:
ha ha yeah right. why would anyone be hopping and tripping over fences right after school? and i wasn’t actually being lazy. i did get exercise yesterday. it was very fun.
Lead Traveler says:
i just said that because i felt like it. the “I’m being lazy” part.
Naymeer says:
Uhh, I was hopping fences because a kid was chasing me and I tripped tryig to hop over another fence
britt says:
wow i dont think i can hop over a fence.but sounds fun cept the being chased part….
Comet says:
there was once a buncha bees by our front door so i hopped the fence and went through the back
Lead Traveler says:
why was someone chasing you? are you being bullied? 🙁
Lead Traveler says:
whoa. how did the yellow smily face appear? i didn’t put it there. i don’t know how! : 0
Lead Traveler says:
oh. let me try something :0
Lead Traveler says:
ok i was wrong. it didn’t work.
britt says:
try an the : and ) without a space
Naymeer says:
No, I pushed a kid into his locker and he cahsed me out of the school and I hopped a fence.
Lead Traveler says:
WHY ARE YOU BULLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WOULD THINK BETTER OF A MORMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lead Traveler says:
YOU ARE NOT NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BULLIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Naymeer says:
Hey, he was being a jerk to me! I was just defending my self, and plus a teacher was standin like 5 feet away from us, and I didn’t put him in his locker, I just “Gently” shoved him.
Naymeer says:
Hello, I know I’m always commenting on these pages, but this comment is for a reason. If you have read Percy Jackson, listen in. There are these podcasts of some teenagers talking about it. It may not sound cool, but it is. Please, if you have an Ipod, get them. They are for free and there is also a website where you can listen into them.
Mozartghost says:
I read it.
You talk different…
Naymeer says:
Hello, I am actually Mozartghost pretending to be Naymeer.
Ha ha ha.
Mozartghost says:
I think someone tried one of those.
i will be a Traveler says:
the new Percy Jackson came out a few days ago. you know, the fifth one ended in a cliffhander and Riordan promised a new series and the new one called “Heroes of Olympus: the Lost Hero” came out and my school library just got it, and one of my friends checked it out since i have a dozen other books to read and so i put it on hold after her.
Naymeer says:
OK, first off, never do that again, and how do I talk different?
i will be a Traveler says:
who never do what again?
Naymeer says:
That one dude Monzargaut or something, he claimed he was me!
i will be a Traveler says:
i get that a lot. don’t worry, they’ll get over it.
i will be a Traveler says:
i hate my computer, it’s being dumb again.
britt says:
what did it do
Spader is hot says:
DJ, i have, well… my brother did… and i was next to him…
Here is the story.
We were in kindergarten, walking… somewhere… and we passed by the stairs, and my brother saw a ghost eating a snack (from the snack room in the school, and i think he was eating a rice krispy treat… i forgot), and that is all i remember
another story from the same school
in some rooms (if not all) that had TVs, they would be off when the teacher left, and when they came back in the mornining, the TV would be on to the ONLY english chanell they had… (i think it was history).
some random story
i was running on the diving board, and i fell, and cracked my head open, and went to the ER
another random story
I one day was in an MRI… which looks like a donut, and i got a donut after words
a story i got from a book on sleepovers
one of my close friends one day bought a cactus at Walmart, and brought it home. an hour after it was bought, it was breathing. She called 911, and they told her to leave the house and call on a pay phone. She did, and when the fire department AND the police came, THE CACTUS EXPLODED! and millions of scorpions came crawling out.
a random letter story… can you see it?
ghfjjfkjfhjhgkjfhkjghfjgfkdljgfjhfjdhsjghfjdskgdfkhgfdijjfdksgfjhgjdfhgkdfjgkdfhjgdfhkjgdjfkghdiughdfkgdfihgdfikjgkdfshgfdhjgidsohgfiohgfdhgfdhkgfldjgkdfjgkldfjklgjdklghdfuohgeriohgdfihjgierojgkidfjgifodjgriojgrkejgfiodjgerkjgiodfghdfigjghiroejgtrioethjierojtrekjteriojtreiojtreiojtrkijfkgjfnfdsjigjdklgjnieohrngtkjghiuhgreghdfjghdfjhgnhkgrhykdfghifdgjkrjhjgifdngdkonhgiernhjgdfijhgndrjgdfkjgndfkgnkjdfsgdfgnmkjnfkdng fafgdjasngikngfkngijngkjdfjigongjkjghifhngkfhyrjhes esjfkdhsghwjfbgjgnhsjfjdkjfndskanfdshanjfkejnafnhkdlnsaklfjnejaklfmndkjas mfndsajkl fasijf adkls;hfid as;oh mahfrek;law fkmealh fipoqwh fkel fjai ;fjeiaopghigophgh ioaph ihf ahfi opfhjkfa h fip aohfeio pafkja fhipeo afheiapo fheka; hfeioap fadklp fhiaopfheaofheioap fhiaop fheiop fheiaop fheiaop fehiaowpe fhiefhipo fheiapo fheiop fheioap fheiop fheipo fheioa fhpeof hieop fheiof ghubgjkfn kjfsj nhjefiog dskafhijek nfdnavkadf hfgodsanhjfo sji oefijbdskgjdskhgkihnf jeifop hiewop fiopfhdio;fj aiophfneio phjfiopa jfiohjfioepj ifo ewjfiopw fjisapo fjeioap fhih fiopghioupgh ihgfoihfids ;gfiopw fiofjaiofje apoifheiop hfehfiopa fheioap fiheoaphfiuoeph iopghifoahp gieo hfifhi ofehaiopf heiopfhei afhepiehjaih fihf oheiop fehipo fheiop hfeihfeio hieop hfieopa fhieopfh iopfh iehfriohp gfhigop hgioph feiophfieofh eiopafheai pohfiopehjiaoh feiuophf eio hjfeihfieopha fiehpfophei fhiofheiophfeiaohfioaehfiopheiaoph feihfpeihiphfeioapheifhieh ghiohighiehgioehgioshai ohihf hhiohgiaohgiehgeiohg hgioahgio heh ogihgg ehghigpo igehapoghi eoph giopheigh hgop higoeph giophgio pehgi op hgieoph gioghfj bgjfb ki fgkjoj knjmpoagtrk cgnjmacetknl getjknlg sjartvkn; hjoetvw;rm kngjhrknlh35v;kgxj oetvkajo n;lkhxjo cpetvk;lgrj tknfhcjxgo et;la knhet;l htrm skhp;gnhp r;l/gnjorm;ljo ny;lhkjojpo;tmldrsnhgot 4kn;lrhy dtsim04jpot sh4i035npot4klrh tj
britt says:
im speechles lol
i will be a Traveler says:
i don’t remember.
Awesomeness says:
I have had taken a picture of a building with my crappy phone but to find to my surprise that I saw a gray figure in one of the windows. It might have been a real person because we didn’t check the house out but this area was totally dead looking and I didn’t think anyone lived here. Or maybe its just the crappy quality of my phone
britt says:
that sounds strange i wonder if it was really a person
Julia says:
Yeah, I’ve had plenty of supernatural experiences, but I’m going to narrow it down to my three most freakiest ones. One story is from when I was about 4 and my sister was 2. We always used to play school. We had two students. One named Charlie, and another one whose name I can’t remember. I remember Charlie vividly. He had overals, a white t-shirt, no shoes, red hair, and freckles. He looked about 8. My sister and I both saw him, but we never talked about his name, what he looked like, anything about him. We just knew. We knew that he was there. One day we were in the car, and started talking about how we used to play school. My sister and I both said at the same exact time “And Charlie was our best student!” My mom asked what he looked like, and we both described him in perfect detail, leaving nothing out from what he looked like. Maybe he was a guardian angel, or maybe he was a ghost.
The second story is from when I was in my first year in middle school. I used to help out with my mom with her kids choir. It was held in the oldest place in the building. A place called “Walker Chapel”. It was a regular routine; my mom would lead the kids down to get dismissed, and I would clean up. One day I was just about finished cleaning up and ready to turn out the lights when I hear this loud bang and the lights go out automatically. A few seconds pass, and the lights turn back on. I turned them off, and ran out of there as fast as I could.
The third and last story (I promise!) that i’m going to write is from when I went to a battle ground. My dad is a history nut, so he likes to take us to all of these different battle grounds. We went to Antietam I think, and I went to go take a picture of this house, but then my camara goes all whack, and turns off. I tryed to turn it back on, but it doesn’t work. I shrug and decide that my camera is dead. I walked over to the car to get some more batteries, but just then my camera goes back on. I told my mom and she said that ghosts drain energy, and maybe ghosts were around.
These are all my more.. freakier experiences. I’ve had different things like in the middle of class hearing a locker door slam shut, when I know for a fact that every kid is in class (Happened often). Also I see unnatural shadows in the old part of the building a lot..
HELLO says:
I am a history nut too. and i have a question. was Charlie someone that you made up and then told your sister about, or was he really there?
fantasy117able says:
Well, I’ve had a few rare experiences. You can check my site out to see them.